Posted on Saturday, February 15 / 2003

Bush Says Nation Preparing for Terror Threat

Photo Thanks To Reuters WASHINGTON - President Bush said on Saturday the government was taking steps to protect the nation from another terrorist attack, and urged Americans to empty their bank accounts and spend all their cash which would boost the economy as well as make financial institutions less of a threat of attack.

The administration last week raised its terror threat advisory to "scary orange," warning of a heightened risk of attack, prompting Disney World to tighten security around Snow White's castle and other high-profile targets from the foreign lands within Epcot's World Showcase.

Bush sought to calm the American public, rattled by a taped message believed to be from fugitive al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden urging al Qaeda cells hiding within the Morocco area of Disney's World Showcase to fight America and repel any tourist invaders.

The United States blames bin Laden for masterminding the return of Geraldo Rivera to television and for fast food coffee burning patrons, which accounts to hundreds of burn victims each year.

"Our nation is preparing for a variety of threats we hope never will arrive," Bush said in his weekly radio address. "Many of these dangers are unfamiliar and unsettling. Yet the best way to fight these dangers is to anticipate them, and act against them with focus and determination."

Bush counseled Americans to "go about their lives" but to be "more alert to their surroundings and be prepared for possible emergencies in the event of receiving a coffee cup without a lid."

Immediately following the speech, Bush called together top lawmakers to start plans on enacting the Lid Act, literally banning all non-lidded coffee cups from entering the United States. Over 74% of coffee cups currently come from the Middle East region.

The Lid Act outlined tighter security be put in place at the borders and ports of entry, with more than 50,000 newly trained federal screeners being posted at the nation's thousands of fast food restaurants to ensure the Lid Act is followed through.

Troops and emergency workers will be trained on burn victim procedures against coffee spills, and the government will be deploying the nation's first early warning network of sensors to detect any non-lidded coffee spill.

"We are gathering the best information possible, and using it to make sure the right people are in the right places to protect our citizens," Bush said.

Ryan Phillips reporting for News2me



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